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Selectboard Meeting Minutes 05/18/05

MAY 18, 2005

Selectboard Present:    Brenda Ferland, Jon LeClair, Steven Neill

Staff Present:          David Edkins, Administrative Assistant
                        Keith Weed, Highway Superintendent
                        Dave Duquette, Water and Sewer Superintendent
                        Edward Smith, Police Chief
                        Robert Davis, Transfer Station Superintendent
                        Regina Borden, Recording Secretary

CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE:  Chairperson Brenda Ferland called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Water and Sewer Departments:  Dave Duquette reported the departments had a few busy weeks.  All the meters were read and they looked into several accounts that appear to have discrepancies.  They came across some mistakes in readings but they have been figured out.  There are about 60 meters that were a flat rate or have old meters.  Friday will be the last day that Moriarity Water Works will be working on the installations.  There are about 20-to-22 residences that do not get a bill and do not have any meters so they are getting free water.  Dave Duquette will do some more investigating.  He feels that there are some issues that the Selectboard has to look into before the next billing period.  All the Town facilities are metered except for the pool that will be done soon.  

At 153 Main Street there is a low-pressure problem and there are buildings behind them that have the same problem.  The department will dig to the curb stop to see if it is a Town problem; he has asked for an excavation permit from the Department of Transportation.  Currently they are digging in Hidden Valley for meter pits.

Mike Ravlin on the Springfield Road had a sewer issue.  Dave Duquette explained the problem and advised that both the Town’s and the Ravlin’s portion of the line were plugged.  It appears more than likely that the Town backed-up and clogged the Ravlin line but Dave Duquette is not sure how it happened.  Mike Ravlin incurred a bill in the amount of $100 and would like to be reimbursed.  Jon LeClair noted that when Mike Ravlin put in his house it was all a new line.

Jon LeClair moved to reimburse Mike Ravlin $100 for unclogging his sewer line.  Mr. Neill seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.  Brenda Ferland would like a copy of the bill before the check is issued.

Dave Duquette submitted applications for his vacant full-time position to the Selectboard for their review but has one more that he will hand in tomorrow.  He did hire someone for the seasonal position.  Brenda Ferland recommended that the Selectboard read all the applications and maybe sometime next week they can make a decision that will be passed onto Dave Duquette.

Acknowledgement was made of a letter from Pat Royce to the Salsis on the Old Claremont Road regarding their low pressure.  Dave Duquette is aware of the issue, has talked to them and is going to install a meter tomorrow.  They might need a booster pump and, if so, Dave Duquette will show him how to hook it up.

Steve Neill questioned where the places are that are not metered.  Dave Duquette responded that there are 15 trailers in the new section of Morway’s Park.  It appears that they hooked into a 6” main that is a fire line.  Steve Neill asked Dave Duquette to consider this a priority and he agreed to look into it tomorrow.     

Transfer Station:  Robert Davis advised that Sullivan County got a $100,000 grant to study recycling.  On May 26th there is a meeting that will affect Charlestown so the Town should be represented.  It was agreed that Bob Davis and Jon LeClair would attend.  Bob Davis took the old wall down today by the demolition area, got the stone in and will start setting the wall.  The new backhoe went to Nortrax today for the new grapple and should be back on Friday.  Dave Edkins reported that the results of the Town-wide community survey are in and 70% rated the Transfer Station as good.  Recycling questions were favorable.

Highway Department:  Keith Weed said the department is in the process of grading the unpaved roads.  He called the vendor for the calcium chloride, they are pretty well sold out but we are on the list for next week.  They are patching potholes each day.  The new truck chassis has been built and is in transit; it should be in Claremont this week.  Work continues on the Unity Stage Road.  The Town qualified for reimbursement from FEMA for three winter storms; the Town should be entitled to 75% of approximately $24,670.  Keith Weed advertised for some help and received four applications.  He needs to hire someone as vacations start next week.  Dave Edkins suggested that he look over the applications Dave Duquette received.

Police Department:  Chief Ed Smith reported that last Friday he, along with other Sheriffs and a large contingent of citizens, attended a meeting with the Governor.  It was very cordial but was dominated by the concerns of the Town of Sunapee.  Chief Smith expressed some concerns in Sullivan County and the Governor said he should feel free to call him.  Chief Smith also attended a meeting on the Homeland Security grant program.  This year the disbursements will be different than last year; this year 75% will be all-hazard.  Ron Greenleaf is working on the paperwork as it involves the infrastructure of the Police Department and training in incident command procedures.  The Fire Department is working on a grant for a generator.  Tuesday morning he and others from Sullivan County met with the Attorney General about the Drug Task Force in our area.  There is a $30,000 grant to fill a position but Chief Smith does not think he wants to go that way now as the Town has a fairly young staff.  Brenda Ferland recommended that we wait to see what happens in the next year with the county budget.  Friday is Law Enforcement Memorial Day and this week is Law Enforcement Memorial Week; there will be a delegation from the Police Department going to Concord for the service.  June 3rd is the Torch Run.  The new cruiser should be in shortly after the 1st of June.  Dave Edkins reported that the results of the Town-wide community survey indicate that the Police Department got a 75% positive rating.

Sara and Guy Ouellette:  Dave Edkins did not find any restrictions in the files that would prevent Mr. & Mrs. Ouellette from putting in a driveway on the Old Claremont Road.  The former owner confirmed that there aren’t any restrictions.

Steve Neill moved to allow Mr. and Mrs. Ouellette to get a Driveway Permit from Keith Weed on the Old Claremont Road as long as it meets all of his regulations.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Ray Buisson:  Ray Buisson, 83 Cummings Avenue, moved into his house in 1998 and explained that his sewer line had no problems until 1999/2000 after they dug up the road to replace the whole sewer line on Cummings Avenue.  He has 90’ of service line that runs in the road to the Town main.  On January 2nd, 2005, and again last month Cota and Cota and Roto-Rooter came in to open up his sewer line; the cost is $1,834.12.  On April 21st it cost him $359.00 to have a camera look at the line, it took five turns; the line goes from 5-1/2’ to 3-1/2’.  It costs him about $250.00 every time Roto-Rooter comes in.  He does not mind an annual bill but since November 28, 2004, Roto-Rooter has been coming in almost every month.  He is not even doing his laundry at home but rather is going to the laundromat; when he does laundry at home it backs into his bathtub.  Mr. Buisson would like to have the manhole moved closer to his property.   Steve Neill advised that the Selectboard was waiting for Norm Beaudry (who installed the new main under contract) to get back to them after he checks it out; if there is a problem in the construction he said he would correct it.  There was a consensus of the Selectboard to have Dave Duquette contact Norm Beaudry to check on the status of this matter.


Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the Non-public Selectboard session of May 4, 2005, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the Selectboard Workshop of May 4, 2005, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

Steve Neill moved to approve the Minutes of the regular Selectboard meeting of May 4, 2005, as printed.  Jon LeClair seconded the motion.  With all in favor, the motion carried.

SELECTBOARD COMMENT:                                            
There were no Selectboard comments made at this meeting.

There was no Old Business to come before this meeting.
FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION – Payroll, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, Warrants, Abatements, etc.:  The Payroll and Check Vouchers were approved and signed.

Purchase Orders:  The Selectboard approved and signed the following Purchase Orders:  1) Police – Asetec Tire $323.95-alignment, tires, labor for the cruiser; 2) Fire – National Fire Academy $450.00-for five members; 3) Fire – United Fire Service $26,444.00 for the air-pack station; 4) Ambulance – John Foster $400.00-reimbursement for an EMT class; and 5) Transfer Station – Eastern Analytical $1,802.00 for monitoring well testing.

Yield Taxes:  The Selectboard approved two Yield Tax warrants in the amounts of $3,380.06 and $6,621.40.

Intent to Cut:  The Selectboard approved two Intent to Cut notices as follows:  1) for Chestnut Flat and 2) Lamb Road.

Land Use Change Tax: The Selectboard approved a Land Use Change Tax in the amount of $2,650.00.  This tax is assessed when land is taken out of Current Use.

Abatement:  The Selectboard approved an Abatement in the amount of $292.30 for Ed and Nancy Tenney.  This is for a demolished a trailer.    

Intent to Excavate Permits to the State:  There was a consensus of the Selectboard to table approval of this Intent to Excavate Permit to the State until a signature is obtained from CEDA, as they are the property owner, even though St. Pierre, Inc. signed the document as the excavator.

The Selectboard approved two Intent to Excavate Permits for St. Pierre, Inc.’s properties on Chestnut Hill Road and Jeffrey Road.

Cemetery Deeds:  The Selectboard approved the purchase of cemetery lots as follows:  One Deed in the Pine Crest Cemetery, and Two Deeds in the Oakhill Cemetery.

Junk Yard License Permit:  The Selectboard approved a Junk Yard License Permit for Class A Auto & Truck on the River Road.

Hawker’s & Peddlers Permit:  A Hawker’s & Peddler’s Permit was approved for “Mike’s Hot Dogs”.  Dave Edkins will remind the owner that he is not to set up on Memorial Day until after the observances have concluded.

There was no additional correspondence to be heard at this meeting.

Bakery Building:  Dave Edkins reported that a lot of progress has been made in the Bakery Building.  The ceilings are up, the lighting is almost complete, the bathroom walls are in and the fixtures came in today.  It is looking good.   
Vacation:  Dave Edkins will be on vacation from Monday, May 23rd until Tuesday, May 31st.

Conservation Commission – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill reported that the Conservation Commission met last Monday night.  They discussed the road clean-up and Green-Up Day.  Approximately four tons of trash was picked up on Green-Up Day.  On Friday afternoon at about 5:30 PM some of the members are going to get together to work on the trail off East Street Extension.  Jan Lambert talked about invasive land plants and some beetles.

CEDA – Steve Neill:  Steve Neill stated that CEDA met last week.  They are working on marketing the Grist Mill property and pretty much have their brochure ready for printing.  Bob Weaver will be taking the brochures to an Industrial Development Trade Show in Massachusetts to try to generate some interest.  

Solid Waste – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair advised that the Solid Waste Committee has not met.

Ambulance Department – Jon LeClair:  Jon LeClair reported that the Ambulance Department met last week.  The biggest topic was the delivery date of the new ambulance.  It probably will not be in service until the end of the month.  One ambulance is out of service.

Heritage Commission – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland advised that the Heritage Commission would meet again on May 24th.  It was noted that the cannon is covered as a work-of-art for $40,000 and the Town is covered for liability.  Brenda Ferland will tell the Heritage Commission that the cannon can be displayed in the parade.

Planning Board – Brenda Ferland:  Brenda Ferland reported that the Planning Board met last night.  The community survey results are in and they were very interesting.  They discussed:
1)      The removal of trees on the Borough Road and everybody agreed.  The one tree that Keith Weed would like to see removed for safety reasons is staying.  The Public Service Company of NH did not feel strongly about that tree so exchanged it for others they wanted removed.  
2)      The Planning Board accepted as complete a two-lot subdivision application for Landmark Land Sales, LLC on Breakneck Hill and Stonebridge Roads, with conditions that the driveway be shown on the plan and the Wetlands Permit for the driveway be obtained and maintained in perpetuity.  
3)      The Charlestown Senior Citizens Club is looking to expand their parking lot and that application was accepted as an Amendment of the original Site Plan subject to the addition of screening along the Prouty line and that the abutters be identified on the plan.  Mr. Olson of Whelen Engineering offered them the same lighting that will be used around the Town Office complex.  
4)      Bonnie Rumrill applied for an expansion of a previously approved Home Day Care Operation from 9 children to 17 children and to change her part-time employee to full-time.  The Board granted final approval for this Amendment to the Site Plan.  
5)      James and Kelley Robarge had a preliminary consultation for a two-lot subdivision on the Acworth and Old Acworth Stage Roads.  Steve Neill noted that a lot of work has been done on the Old Acworth Stage Road that was not overseen by the Highway Department.  Everybody that lives on that road should be sent a letter on the rules for Class VI roads.


Brenda Ferland moved to enter into a Non-public session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a) Personnel.  Steve Neill seconded the motion and, on a roll call with all in favor, the motion carried.  The time was 8:18 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Regina Borden, Recording Secretary                      Approved,

                                                                Brenda L. Ferland, Chair

                                                                Jon B. LeClair

                                                                Steven A. Neill

(Note:  These are unapproved Minutes.  Corrections, if necessary, may be found in the Minutes of the June 1st, 2005, Selectboard meeting.)